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1. What is the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP)? 

The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) is the largest non-profit association of parliamentarians in the world. To find out more about NAP and parliamentary procedure using Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, go to the NAP’s website:

2.  What are NAP membership dues? 

The NAP dues are $84 per year (pro-rated determined by the month you join and includes National and State fees) and is paid directly to the NAP HQ.

3. How can you acquire an NAP application?

Go to NAP website “Application” link -

4. What is the Parliamentarians of Metro New York unit? 
Parliamentarians of Metro New York (PMNY) is a unit of the National Association of Parliamentarians.  Its mission and vision is to promote the study of parliamentary procedure and provide engaging workshops and consulting services to local groups and organizations to support and encourage the proper practice of parliamentary procedure. 

5. When are PMNY meetings held? 

Our unit meetings are typically held virtually on the 3rd Monday of odd-numbered months at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. To attend a unit meeting you must RSVP to email:

6. What are the PMNY annual dues? 

PMNY dues are $26.50 and can be paid via PayPal invoicing issued by the Unit's Treasurer.

7. What learning opportunities exist in PMNY? 

Each meeting typically begins with a one-hour informal session on some point of parliamentary procedure, followed by the business meeting.  


8. What services does PMNY offer?

PMNY offers parliamentary procedure training facilitated by our credentialed members on a variety of subjects, including, but not limited to, effective governance and meeting techniques, presiding skills, officer training and bylaws review.


The basic parliamentary procedure training is two (2) hours long and tailored to meet the specific needs of your group/organization.  Our interactive workshops are conducted via lecture, hypothetical scenarios, and practical application, which have proven extremely successful with groups and members with varying proficiency in parliamentary procedure.



© 2019–2024 Parliamentarians of Metro New York, Inc.

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